Queer + Trans Al-Anon Day of Recovery Everywhere (QT ADORE)
Queer + Trans Al-Anon Day of Recovery Everywhere (QT ADORE) Free to be Me! Speakers, Panels, Meetings, Workshops, Fellowship 9AM-5PM Alberta time: https://qtadore.onuniverse.com/
Al-Anon: Hope and Help for Family and Friends of Alcoholics
Alberta, N.W.T. – Canada
Only Al-Anon and Alateen related events will be posted in the calendar. Email to events@al-anon.ab.ca to have an event added.
We publish as much detail as we can but some information may be limited due to anonymity. In these circumstances, we encourage you to get additional information from the event flyer or your Group Representative (GR) may be able to help as well. Thank you for your understanding.
Queer + Trans Al-Anon Day of Recovery Everywhere (QT ADORE) Free to be Me! Speakers, Panels, Meetings, Workshops, Fellowship 9AM-5PM Alberta time: https://qtadore.onuniverse.com/
No registration required this year! Make your dinner and join us remotely. Dinner and fellowship (chatting in small groups) starts at 6 PM MDT (UTC -6) Speakers start 7 PM MDT https://zoom.us/j/95405479827 Meeting ID: 954 0547 9827 Passcode: 121212 Spaghetti-Dinner-Online-2022
Assembly May 28th includes Group Reps Area World Service Committee Meeting - May 29th Registration for Alberta/N.W.T. SE British Columbia Al-Anon members - opens April 24th and closes May 21st. Event will occur via zoom and emails will be sent to everyone as a reminder to register only once through our event calendar.
Our Delegate Diane G. will be attending please send her a greeting to her email or mailing address which was provided at AWSCM to District Reps.
OASIS AFG Is Celebrating our 18th Anniversay SATURDAY APRIL 30, 2022 * ONLINE ZOOM MEETING OPENS AT 09:45 AM Al-Anon speaker (Glen H) Program starts at 10:00 AM Virtual fellowship to follow ZOOM ID – 826 2271 2197, PASSWORD 723685 The flier is here: OASIS AFG 2022
Please join us for our Anniversary Meeting with Guest Speakers: 3 options to join, details on poster: launch app, run in web, or call in. Nu-Life Anniversary Poster