Only Al-Anon and Alateen related events will be posted in the calendar. Email to to have an event added.

We publish as much detail as we can but some information may be limited due to anonymity. In these circumstances, we encourage you to get additional information from the event flyer or your Group Representative (GR) may be able to help as well. Thank you for your understanding.

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Edmonton & Area AIS meeting on Zoom

Edmonton & Area AIS meeting How should attend: Anyone! Also Al-Anon group reps/alt group reps,  and district reps/alt district reps in Districts 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 Time:


Balzac Community Hall 10075Twp Rd. 262, Balzac, AB

AB/N.W.T. AL-ANON CONVENTION 2025 "Together We Can" Here is the link to register for the Convention. Click for more information about the Convention: Convention 2025 poster. We're Looking for Volunteers!

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